myDavy Online Help
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Guides
Client Resources
How do I open an account
How do I log in
How do I close my account
How do I update my details
How do I complete identification verification
How do I buy fund
How do I transfer money in
How do I transfer existing holdings in
How do I withdraw or transfer stock
How do I withdraw money
How do I buy shares
How do I buy ETFs
How do I sell shares
How do I sell ETFs
How do I sell funds
How do I cancel an order
How do I review my portfolio
How do I set price alerts
How do I monitor stocks
How do manage my email subscriptions
If you have any problems logging into the site, please read How do I log in.
When you click on the Trading tab, the trading page is displayed where you see MyWatchlist/Alerts, My Orders, My Holdings and Cash Account Balances.
The ETFs that you currently hold are listed on the trading page. To trade an ETF that you currently hold, click the Buy button. This will enter the name into the ETF Name field, and you can proceed to choosing the type of order you wish to place.
Here you can filter ETFs by their exchange, sector, industry, name, International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) or Ticker. This tool is available when you are logged in. You can access this by clicking on the Search ETFs link above the search box in the Trade ETFs section.
If you can't find the ETF that you want to buy using our online search facility, please telephone the Davy Select Dealing Desk at 01 614 8900 and ask us to add the ETF. Once we add the ETF to our list of ETFs, you will be able to trade it online. However, if you place an order with the Dealing Desk by phone, you will be charged the higher commission for telephone trading (more information on charges).
The indicative price is an initial estimate of the price based on the last recorded trading price of the ETF. This is provided for information purposes only, as the reporting of market prices is delayed by 20 minutes. This price is not guaranteed, and the quote that you receive for the ETF will probably differ from the indicative price. The currency that the ETF is traded in is displayed beside the Indicative Price, and beside the price that you will set for the trade.
A limit order means that when you place an order, you set the highest price that you are willing to pay for the ETF at this time. You must set a time limit on the order, known as the duration.
Enter the highest price you are willing to pay for the ETF at this time.
Enter the number of units that you would like to buy.
You can choose the Quantity OR Net value (in settlement currency) of what you wish to buy.
Choose your duration: Good for Today Only or Good Until Friday Week (explanation of duration).
Choose your settlement currency.
Click Calculate to see a breakdown of the charges on the trade. Calculate allows you to see how much each trade will cost or recoup for you. It gives you a breakdown of the charges on the trade in both the settlement currency and the transaction currency. The settlement currency figures are an estimate, as a currency deal may be required.
If you are happy to proceed with the trade, click on Preview Order to review the details of your order before placing it.
The currency that you wish to pay in. If you hold sufficient cash in that currency with Davy Select, you may prefer to pay for it in this currency, so that no currency transactions are required. If you do not hold cash in this currency or if you have insufficient cash in this currency, Davy Select will automatically undertake a currency deal on your behalf to fund the transaction from the currency in which your cash is held.
If you have signed up to receive confirmation of your trades via email (My Profile section), you will receive an email when your trades have executed.
Our Dublin-based customer support team is available Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm on 01-6148900. There is also the option to place a trade through your myDavy account, or by calling our dedicated Davy Select dealing desk from 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday.
Account Opening Enquiries
General Enquiries
Pension Enquiries
Trading Enquiries
If you prefer to talk to us on the phone our Dublin-based customer support team is available Monday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm.
Contact us at +353-1-614-8900 to talk to our customer support team
Contact us at +353-1-614-3311 to talk to our pensions team
Contact us at +353-1-614-9000 to talk to our trading desk team