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DavySelect Trading Platform

Trading platform


Open Account

Manage your investments

myDavy allows you to manage all of your investments and pensions in one place - all in a completely secure environment

Multi Asset trading platform

6,900+ Shares across 30 international markets, 1,400+ funds and 1,000 exchange traded funds.

Davy Research

Insightful, robust, award-winning analysis across a range of European sectors.


Independent investment analysis and tools from Morningstar™.

Login to myDavy image of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer with the myDavy login message

Single view of your investments

 View all your investments in one place, seeing your account valuation - broken down by each holding.

Simplified trading

 Search shares, funds & exchange traded funds (ETFs) and trade easily.

Simplified navigation

‘My Profile’ area to enable you to effortlessly administer your account, change passwords securely and manage your online correspondence.

Seamless access

Designed with mobile and tablet in mind, myDavy enables you to access the service via the device of your choice with no compromise in quality.

Price alerts

Set up customised Price Alerts for Shares and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) of your choice. A Price Alert is triggered when the price of a selected Share or Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) reaches a specific value or its price moves by a certain percentage.

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myDavy research screen
DavySelect trading platform

Manage all of your investments and pensions in one place - all in a completely secure environment

We are an established name, a trusted financial brand that has inspired confidence for nearly a century. Choosing Davy Select, you’ll build on generations of award-­winning services under the Davy banner.

Open Account

Our fees & charges

Learn more about the Davy Select fees and charges

Fees & Charges