Complaints policy
It is Davy policy to provide the highest possible level of service to our clients, subject to sensible and reasonable commercial constraints. It is inevitable though that from time to time some clients may be dissatisfied with aspect(s) of the service Davy provides and we acknowledge the right of clients to have any expression of dissatisfaction dealt with courteously, professionally and in a timely manner.
Davy’s commitment to clients in relation to complaints handling is set out both in our terms and conditions and reads as follows:
We are constantly working to improve our service to our clients. An essential part of this continuous improvement process is feedback both positive and negative from our clients. We strongly encourage you to give this feedback to us. In particular should you be dissatisfied at any time with the service that you receive from Davy, do not hesitate to make this known to us. We have an internal complaints procedure and will deal with your complaint promptly. Please address your correspondence to Davy Dealing Desk or Davy Credit Union Support Team at Davy, 49 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, who in turn may refer the matter internally, which is independent of the Davy Dealing Desk. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our review of your complaint, you are entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Services Ombudsman, the Pensions Ombudsman or the Pensions Authority, depending on the nature of your complaint. The Financial Services Ombudsman is a statutory officer who deals independently with unresolved complaints from consumers about their individual dealings with financial services providers. It is a free service to the complainant. Further details relating to the Financial Services Ombudsman, including how to make a complaint, are available at, by telephone on Lo-Call Number: 1890 88 20 90, or by writing to the Financial Services Ombudsman, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2. Our complaints policy is available on our websites and
The Pensions Authority can assist you if you are concerned about the operation of certain pension products. If you have a complaint about such pension products that you are unable to resolve with Davy, then you may contact the Pensions Authority for assistance. Further details relating to the Pensions Board, including how to make a complaint, are available at, by writing toThe Pensions Authority, Verschoyle House, 28-30 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2 or by telephone on (01) 6131900.
If your complaint is that you believe you have suffered a financial loss due to maladministration of certain pension products, you should refer the matter to the Pensions Ombudsman. You may also refer a dispute of fact or law to the Pensions Ombudsman. Further details relating to the Pensions Ombudsman, including how to make a complaint are available at or by telephone on LoCall Number: 1890 88 20 90.
In the event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the Davy service, please let us know. Ideally we prefer to receive complaints in writing as it ensures that we have a clear record of the cause of dissatisfaction. This enables us to ensure that we address your concerns. The manner in which a complaint will be dealt with depends on the product type which has formed the basis of the particular complaint. Please address your correspondence to the Davy Share Dealing Desk, 49 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 or alternatively by email to who in turn may refer the matter to the Business & Legal Department, which is independent of the Davy Share Dealing Desk. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our review of your complaint, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Services Ombudsman, or if your complaint relates to online sales or services you may be able to use the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform, which is accessible at